Action shots at the Junior High track/football field:
Dani led Emma through some stretches, and Connor flopped down, tired after running
We also did some stairs on the bleachers
A trip to the dentist for Emma. Today was her second treatment, a cavity filling. Last time was a crown and an extraction. She still needs one more cavity filling. Ughh, then I hope we are done. Poor girl, we gotta do better with those teeth!
One prize from the dentist's treasure chest for making it through one more appointment.
The library had a big kick-off for their children's summer reading program, and featured a reptile show. I spent most of my time wrangling children, so didn't get many pics. It was so jam-packed, we were way at the back of the conference room. I got this pic with my telephoto lens, so it's all grainy. I would have loved to go up afterwards and get some great close-up shots of the cool reptiles, but I was too busy trying to chase my monkeys everywhere.
What did the kids like the most? Was it the cool snakes, baby alligator, or lizards? No, it was the popsicles. Oh, children and their sweet tooth!
I got brave and turned the camera over to the kids for some pics of me. They weren't half bad! Connor took this one. I've been feeling oddly girly lately, got a nice haircut and started fixing my hair more often. These two pics kind of make me want to steal Sue's quote "I don't know... I think I'm kinda cute!"
This is Emma's pic. She had so much fun using my camera that later in the evening she took a whole bunch of pictures. But first the playground...
The playground at Westridge Elementary, which is diagonally across the street from the library -
Sam climbed up and down the slide over and over
Emma and Connor are really great friends. She has a girl brain and mostly wants to play cooperative games, while Connor has a boy brain and wants to play competitive games, but somehow they work it out and often make up pretend games and scenarios to play together.
Emma's mouth was still kind of numb from her appointment earlier in the day, and made her smile lopsided, but it was kind of cute.
Sam screamed at me over, and over, and over - "Higher, higher, higher!"
Also got a care package ready for Gil, and baked chocolate cupcakes to include in the box. This falls into Dani's and my "naughty food" category. This is NOT helping my weight-loss goals for the summer. Oh, naughty chocolate...
My new little shutterbug. She took pictures of a bunch of random stuff. My favs were the sunset and people pics. Here are a few highlights:
Beautiful sunset. Way to go Emma!
Good job, Emma! I can't wait to see what pictures she takes tomorrow!
More conversations with children, quote of the day - Dani and I were sitting and chatting after scriptures late tonight while the kids were brushing their teeth. She was talking about a movie she'd seen recently, The Fault In Our Stars. She was commenting on the general internet chatter about the movie, that it's such a tearjerker but she personally never cries during sad movies. Her friends sitting next to her will be crying, but not her. Then she said, "I have tear ducts of steel." That just made me laugh my head off, I think because I'm kind of the same way. I'm just not a crier. I guess we're both emotionally stunted, or something. But whatever - bring on the funny/sci-fi/action/anime for us!
What a fun filled day! Those pictures of you are awesome, you look radiant! Emma's got some skills.
ReplyDeleteJust read on Facebook about Connor's double broken arms. Dude, can't wait to read that post. Dan and I were cracking up at Zen's comment, "What the Heck?!" Nobody called him?
Agreed, that shot of you looks great Becky! Two broken arms?! Faith will SO want to chatter with her cousin about that!!