After observing a young girl and her two coaches practice soccer the past few days, I thought it would be fun to bring a soccer ball and let the kids kick it around the field while Dani and I ran laps.

Hey, you
can play soccer with two
broken sprained arms!

Emma's the graceful child of the family. Mutant...

Lookin' good, chick!

She's such a cutie pie with my camera, she took this pic of me and Sam -

On the sixth lap running past the kids, I acquired a barnacle. I told Sam that, no, I was not going to carry him. Worked out really well, didn't it? Hey, I'm not a pushover, I'm just teaching them the value of persistence.

I got on the scales this morning and scared myself. The numbers are going in the wrong direction. Arghh!! Okay, back to counting calories, darn it! And no more baking! No more chocolate cupcakes, no more yummy peach banana bread, no more oatmeal cookies, no more freshly-cooked cinnamon sugar tortilla roll-ups for breakfast. Sigh... Back to nutritious oatmeal. After I put this version together, it occurred to me that it's basically like a peach cobbler, minus the sugar. So that's what I'm calling it - Mock Peach Cobbler Oatmeal. Cook old-fashioned oats, add a dash of salt & generous sprinkle of cinnamon. Cook the last few minutes with diced fresh peaches and then add a few splashes of milk. For healthy food, it's pretty delicious!
And now for Dani's new 'do:
Dani reached that point in the year, and summer, where she wanted to do something really fun and different with her hair. Plus, she had some money burning a hole in her pocket and wanted highlights. So, here we go to the salon. I wasn't very excited, because I love her long hair and all the beautiful, elaborate things she does with it at times. She has MAD braiding skills. Over the past several years, she's watched video after video on YouTube, learning how to do beautiful, elaborate hairdos and has done many gorgeous things with her hair, and her sister's hair. But whatever, her hair, her money.

Last look at her long blond hair...

It's just the WalMart salon, but Tatyana is fabulous! I'm a repeat customer of hers.

There goes all her beautiful hair! Dani is ecstatic, while I am weeping a little on the inside.

Sassy face! Tatyana is putting in the highlights.

Wa-lah! A new A-line summer hairdo! She does look cute.

View from the back - short in the back and long in the front.
And now, at the conclusion of our post today, I will observe a moment of silence, a passing farewell to the hairdos of the past:

Kinda wish I'd taken more pics of her beautiful 'dos.